Cleveland Early College High School

Select Activity
Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
12th Grade Fee EV322-67 EV322-67 12th Grade Fee 2024-2025 CECHS Senior Fee 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Mitchell,Laura 12th N/A 10/25/2017 $25.00
Activity Fee-10th grade EV322-79 EV322-79 Activity Fee-10th grade 2024-2025 Yearly Activity Fee 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Mitchell,Laura 10th N/A 10/25/2017 $100.00
Activity Fee-10th grade- Payment Plan EV322-80 EV322-80 Activity Fee-10th grade- Payment Plan 2024-2025 Yearly Activity Fee Total paid will be $100, split into 4 payments of $25 each. 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Mitchell,Laura All N/A 10/25/2017 $25.00
Activity Fee-11th grade EV322-81 EV322-81 Activity Fee-11th grade 2024-2025 Yearly Activity Fee 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Mitchell,Laura All N/A 10/25/2017 $100.00
Activity Fee-11th grade- Payment Plan EV322-82 EV322-82 Activity Fee-11th grade- Payment Plan 2024-2025 Yearly Activity Fee Total paid will be $100, split into 4 payments of $25 each 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Mitchell,Laura All N/A 10/25/2017 $25.00
Activity Fee-9th grade EV322-83 EV322-83 Activity Fee-9th grade 2024-2025 Yearly Activity Fee 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Mitchell,Laura All N/A 10/25/2017 $100.00
Activity Fee-9th grade- Payment Plan EV322-84 EV322-84 Activity Fee-9th grade- Payment Plan 2024-2025 Yearly Activity Fee Total paid will be $100, split into 4 payments of $25 each 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Mitchell,Laura All N/A 10/25/2017 $25.00
Chromebook Repair Fee- 1st Offense EV322-85 EV322-85 Chromebook Repair Fee- 1st Offense Chromebook repair fee- 1st offense 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Haynes,Grant All N/A 10/25/2017 $10.00
Chromebook Repair Fee- 2nd Offense EV322-86 EV322-86 Chromebook Repair Fee- 2nd Offense Chromebook Repair Fee- 2nd Offense 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Haynes,Grant All N/A 10/25/2017 $20.00
Chromebook Repair Fee- 3rd Offense EV322-57 EV322-57 Chromebook Repair Fee- 3rd Offense Chromebook Repair Fee- 3rd Offense 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Haynes,Grant All N/A 10/25/2017 $30.00
Lost Book Fee EV322-VAR20 EV322-VAR20 Lost Book Fee Lost Book Fee/Damage Fee. Please verify with Mrs. Darnell your cost for lost or damaged items prior to paying, 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School VARIABLE Mitchell,Laura N/A N/A N/A $0.00
National BETA Club-Yearly Dues EV322-66 EV322-66 National BETA Club-Yearly Dues National BETA Club dues- this is a yearly fee for all current members- students inducted in Fall 2024 do not pay this fee, only students that are already members. 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Haynes,Grant N/A N/A N/A $5.00
National Honor Society Dues EV322-68 EV322-68 National Honor Society Dues National Honor Society fee- this is a one-time fee 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Hux,Julie N/A N/A N/A $30.00
Outstanding Prior School Year Fees EV322-VAR19 EV322-VAR19 Outstanding Prior School Year Fees Prior Student Fees. Please verify with Mrs. Darnell or Mrs. Mitchell your outstanding student fees prior to paying. 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School VARIABLE Mitchell,Laura N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Replacement Chromebook Case Fee EV322-56 EV322-56 Replacement Chromebook Case Fee Lost/Damaged Chromebook Case Fee 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Haynes,Grant All N/A 10/25/2017 $20.00
Replacement Chromebook Charger Fee EV322-55 EV322-55 Replacement Chromebook Charger Fee Lost/Replacement Charger Fee 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Haynes,Grant All N/A 10/25/2017 $20.00
Technology Fee- 2023-2024 EV322-54 EV322-54 Technology Fee- 2024-2025 2024-2025 Yearly Technology Fee 0010b00002HJOaAAAX:Cleveland Early College High School FIXED Haynes,Grant All N/A 10/25/2017 $20.00
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